Cecilia Cosci cuts out images of the sacred art monsters of all times from books, magazines, postcards and brochures and, in the guise of a director, stages powerful visual narratives with a Dadaist-surrealist touch.
Her montages, as she likes to call them, remind of storyboard sequences or film stills, whose protagonists are mostly saints, gods and Madonnas who, invited to descend from the Hyperuranium of art, come to earth to recite the tragedies of our world.
Cosci tells universal stories of love, motherhood, inequality and faith, through minimalist but compelling images, and she brings to light iniquities of our world with a mix of irony, compassion and subtle condemnation.
Extrapolating and reassembling images in a novel and surprising way, Cosci creates original juxtapositions apparently so incongruous as to leave you dumbfounded. However, her montages are so effective to wring a smile, a reflection, a reappraisal.

Cecilia Cosci was born in Florence, where she teaches art history at the art school. She has been an editor for the television channel TMC2 and for the magazine Art e Dossier of the Giunti publishing house.
Her debut was through a personal exhibition TABU at Tobian Art Gallery in Firenze in May 2021: prestigious national newspapers such as Il Corriere della Sera  and  La Repubblica covered the news. After this one, she participated into collective exhibtions: It’s LIQUID International Art Show in Venica (November 2022) and Mirror Mirror… at Agorà Gallery in New York City (December 2022).
In 2023 (May, 28 – July, 8) she organized Sogni [Dreams], apersonal exhibition at Crumb Gallery in Florence. December of the same year, she participated in the collective exhibition Small Size.
With Crumb Gallery she participated into the trade shows The Others Art Fair in Turin, collateral to Artissima (November 2 to 5, 2023) and Booming (February 1 to 4 febbraio, 2024) during Artefiera inBologna. She took part in the travelling exhibition Preziosa miniatura, set up at the Archivio Storico Comunale in Palermo (6 April – 6 May 2024) and which will move to other prestigious Italian libraries.
She collaborates on various editorial and cultural projects.

Since November 2023, he has opened a studio at Via del Leone 17/r in the San Frediano district of Florence.



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